Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Big Con (pulled off by Badkolo & Company)

I have to give it to Badkolo, what he pulled off was "The Big Con." That one would even make Sawyer proud! For those who watch Lost you'll know what I'm saying.

A select few of the moderators believe that Badkolo bought MJHD for a noble cause. I have tried to look at the situation from every angle possible, but I still see only one thing. Mr. Badkolo and Co. screwed the mods over for the sake of doing so. Did Souza, Mo, or Bad need the moderators to help acquire MJHD? Hell no. Amy was perfectly clear on the fact that she would get rid of the website to anybody who offered the most money, including the mutt. Was Bad simply trying to guarantee that both sides of the MJ hoax sites made up? That’s his claim, but come on people. Use common sense. He could have done that without giving the girls the website. He Rick-rolled you for God’s sake! I’m sorry moderators; you were fucked. Open a new forum and make it bigger and better than what they stole if you really want one, but (and I mean this with all respect) quit living in denial and justifying what those three did. Let me show you something:

What did Badkolo say he would do and why? I’ve read the transcripts and if Cat will come back you all can read them too. But anyway, in summary, Bad promised to purchase the domain and said that he had information about Amy that she would not want released. He was going to use that information to get the database back and to help the moderators prove the events up to that point had been manipulated by Amy. Their names had been drug through shit and they were desperate for help. They were also desperate to get the database back online for the members.

After Bad had ownership of MJHD, the mods from both sides went to talk with Souza, Mo, and gang to make peace. The apologizing came from MJHD moderators only. Never once did the other side say they were sorry for shit. All they did was mock the moderators. I believe it was SilverWolf who finally invited them to join MJHD once they got it up and running. Their reply was that all the mods were invited to join their site too (with laughing). Souza and Mo knew very well what was about to happen.

What was the outcome? Badkolo Rick-rolled the mods before redirecting MJHD to Souza and Mo’s website. The moderators never heard from him again. On Souza and Mo’s website there was a topic saying they had no idea why Bad redirected MJHD to their site, they were unable to contact him to ask, and he must have ‘hoaxed’ his death too. If nothing else made it obvious that this bullshit was not an attempt at peace, that right there should prove it.

See The Truth,

All Seeing Eye


  1. You know, the rickrolling enough is proof that Badkolo was sitting back laughing his ass off at the crap he pulled. So yeah, I don't honestly believe he was helping the mods either.

    Think For Yourself,

    The Cat

  2. Hi Eye!

    Yeah we got rickrolled. I was annoyed for like a minute, but considering that it would have been hell for me who would have been co-admin and hell for the person who was to be admin, I think it worked out for the best. I really liked being a moderator and to this day still do on the smaller forums and in chat, but things were getting scary with MJHD.COM.

    I was willing to take the position of co-admin, as long as we got the database back, but deep down I was terrified-of being hacked, of having my personal information put out there for everyone to see. I don't know what would have happened.

    I appreciate what you are doing eye. Yes we wanted to get that old database back so bad for the members. I only agreed to be co-admin b/c we were assured we would get the database back. Had that not been part of the deal, I am not even sure I would have wanted to be a moderator.

    But I have talked to Badkolo & Mo one on one since then and to be honest I have no hard feelings. I have learned that holding onto anger for a long time ends up being self-destructive. Being a moderator at MJHD was an escape from real-life drama for me, but it ended up becoming the drama.

  3. Maybe the end result of what Badkolo and co. did was a good thing for you and the others, but that doesn’t change his intentions. The fact that you choose to let it go says a lot about your character. You’re a better person for it, KL, and if this world was a just place good Karma would be coming your way. Maybe it will; maybe it won’t, but one thing is for sure: In the end you will have a more peaceful existence than those who hold on to hatred.

    I would imagine that it was disturbing having to worry about being hacked or having your personal information released, and it was a valid fear. Mutt obviously enjoys revealing personal details about people. She doesn’t seem to understand the simple concept that people have a right to remain anonymous (except when it comes to herself). It is probable that you would’ve been identified sooner or later. And somebody out there did hack several of the moderators, so it very well could have been you in the future.

    I see enough to recognize you all took the fall for Amy, and consequently were misjudged by many (if not most) of the members of MJHD. At the center of much of the confusion was a mutt spreading unsubstantiated rumors and one drama-loving admin. It is my belief that the members of MJHD, you, and the other mods were a pawn in a game that I suspect Amy created for her own amusement. Logical people will never understand why, because it makes no sense to anybody aside from those who are likeminded.

    See The Truth,

    All Seeing Eye

  4. Yeh, I see the truth. Thanks for posting this info 'All Seeing Eye', oops, I meant 'Silverwolf', it's your arrogance and single-mindedness that give you away.
    Couldn't help yourself I suppose. It's great to see that people like KL are smart enough to move on, but you have let this fester for another four months, kept all the emails and chats and want to revisit it and re-live it for your own enjoyment of 'drama'.
    You are not doing anyone a favor by bringing all this up again. You are only opening yourself up to even more anger.
    Let it go.
    The members have a version of the old database back and a new Nazi camp to call home, so this so-called one sided 'truth' you want to publish is useless.
    See the truth that you need to do yourself a favor and move on with your life.

  5. You say that at the center lies a drama loving admin and a mutt spreading rumors...but in the end, it may just be a drama loving admit pretending to be a rumor spreading mutt.

    I'm serious, I believe there is a damn good chance Conspiracy is Amy; which makes her all the more twisted. I have no proof, but as I commented at Mutt's blog, I am just lying in wait for him to screw up, and prove he is her.

    Nice to see you commenting kl. Glad you are still around. You admins became Amy's personal sacraficial lambs, and deserved better.

    Think For Yourself,

    The Cat

  6. Yeah,I bet you wish everybody would just walk away or move on as you put it. That would make it nicer for you wouldn't it?

    KL is a good person, and you let her go down looking like a jerk to everybody else. That's fucked up Amy.

    You think you have it all figured out, but you have no clue. There is no need to guess who I am. I will tell you soon enough. Since your making all these anonymous comments on the various blogs, why not post as yourself?

    Cat, I wouldn't put anything past her. If it involves drama, she's game.

    See The Truth,

    All Seeing Eye

  7. "Forgiveness is God's invention for coming to terms with a world in which, despite their best intentions, people are unfair to each other and hurt each other deeply. He began by forgiving us. And he invites us all to forgive each other." Lewis B. Smedes
