My objective has changed. I’m no longer here to keep an eye on the bulldog. Sorry Cat, but most of the people I talk to already know she lies about stuff. They just find her posts funny, so what can you do? So be it. It’s too bad those lies were taken as truth by some people, leading to the false accusations of a few. The Mutt should have stuck to Amy and figured out who the fuck she was and more importantly what she was up to.
The things I posted are the conversations that really took place. People who want to can read them and come to their own conclusions. It’s easy to see that something is not right, and that in my opinion should not be ignored. I was wrong, Amy is still around and I suspect in more than one place.
See The Truth,
All Seeing Eye
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Big Con (pulled off by Badkolo & Company)
I have to give it to Badkolo, what he pulled off was "The Big Con." That one would even make Sawyer proud! For those who watch Lost you'll know what I'm saying.
A select few of the moderators believe that Badkolo bought MJHD for a noble cause. I have tried to look at the situation from every angle possible, but I still see only one thing. Mr. Badkolo and Co. screwed the mods over for the sake of doing so. Did Souza, Mo, or Bad need the moderators to help acquire MJHD? Hell no. Amy was perfectly clear on the fact that she would get rid of the website to anybody who offered the most money, including the mutt. Was Bad simply trying to guarantee that both sides of the MJ hoax sites made up? That’s his claim, but come on people. Use common sense. He could have done that without giving the girls the website. He Rick-rolled you for God’s sake! I’m sorry moderators; you were fucked. Open a new forum and make it bigger and better than what they stole if you really want one, but (and I mean this with all respect) quit living in denial and justifying what those three did. Let me show you something:
What did Badkolo say he would do and why? I’ve read the transcripts and if Cat will come back you all can read them too. But anyway, in summary, Bad promised to purchase the domain and said that he had information about Amy that she would not want released. He was going to use that information to get the database back and to help the moderators prove the events up to that point had been manipulated by Amy. Their names had been drug through shit and they were desperate for help. They were also desperate to get the database back online for the members.
After Bad had ownership of MJHD, the mods from both sides went to talk with Souza, Mo, and gang to make peace. The apologizing came from MJHD moderators only. Never once did the other side say they were sorry for shit. All they did was mock the moderators. I believe it was SilverWolf who finally invited them to join MJHD once they got it up and running. Their reply was that all the mods were invited to join their site too (with laughing). Souza and Mo knew very well what was about to happen.
What was the outcome? Badkolo Rick-rolled the mods before redirecting MJHD to Souza and Mo’s website. The moderators never heard from him again. On Souza and Mo’s website there was a topic saying they had no idea why Bad redirected MJHD to their site, they were unable to contact him to ask, and he must have ‘hoaxed’ his death too. If nothing else made it obvious that this bullshit was not an attempt at peace, that right there should prove it.
See The Truth,
All Seeing Eye
A select few of the moderators believe that Badkolo bought MJHD for a noble cause. I have tried to look at the situation from every angle possible, but I still see only one thing. Mr. Badkolo and Co. screwed the mods over for the sake of doing so. Did Souza, Mo, or Bad need the moderators to help acquire MJHD? Hell no. Amy was perfectly clear on the fact that she would get rid of the website to anybody who offered the most money, including the mutt. Was Bad simply trying to guarantee that both sides of the MJ hoax sites made up? That’s his claim, but come on people. Use common sense. He could have done that without giving the girls the website. He Rick-rolled you for God’s sake! I’m sorry moderators; you were fucked. Open a new forum and make it bigger and better than what they stole if you really want one, but (and I mean this with all respect) quit living in denial and justifying what those three did. Let me show you something:
What did Badkolo say he would do and why? I’ve read the transcripts and if Cat will come back you all can read them too. But anyway, in summary, Bad promised to purchase the domain and said that he had information about Amy that she would not want released. He was going to use that information to get the database back and to help the moderators prove the events up to that point had been manipulated by Amy. Their names had been drug through shit and they were desperate for help. They were also desperate to get the database back online for the members.
After Bad had ownership of MJHD, the mods from both sides went to talk with Souza, Mo, and gang to make peace. The apologizing came from MJHD moderators only. Never once did the other side say they were sorry for shit. All they did was mock the moderators. I believe it was SilverWolf who finally invited them to join MJHD once they got it up and running. Their reply was that all the mods were invited to join their site too (with laughing). Souza and Mo knew very well what was about to happen.
What was the outcome? Badkolo Rick-rolled the mods before redirecting MJHD to Souza and Mo’s website. The moderators never heard from him again. On Souza and Mo’s website there was a topic saying they had no idea why Bad redirected MJHD to their site, they were unable to contact him to ask, and he must have ‘hoaxed’ his death too. If nothing else made it obvious that this bullshit was not an attempt at peace, that right there should prove it.
See The Truth,
All Seeing Eye
Monday, March 1, 2010
Who Crashed MJHD? According to Amy, she did
Here are a few more things for you to read and reflect on. When Amy decided to leave MJHD she turned the website over to the moderators, who if you will recall, shared the responsibility of becoming administrators. People have speculated that those particular moderators killed MJHD on purpose, which was not the case.
Just like the members, the moderators had no idea what was happening at first. All they knew is that MJHD was down. Read the emails that were sent to them and you’ll see that it was Amy herself who crashed the website, purportedly on accident. At this point the members (and some of the moderators) believed that Amy was working with her trusted friend, John. Instead of telling people that she accidently fucked up, she wanted people to believe that John betrayed her and crashed the site on purpose. In one email you’ll read, she did say that they would have to start from scratch, but in subsequent conversations she gave them what she claimed was a working copy of the database. What the moderators didn’t realize at the time was that she didn’t give them the entire database. She kept back over 40 gigs of information, which they didn’t learn about until after many endless days and nights of working on the thing, and one of them finally paying out hundreds of dollars in an attempt to restore the old information.
When the moderators found out about the missing files they asked Amy about it. She claimed that she didn’t realize they needed the files and had erased the information from both her hard-drive and her server “a few days ago.” My question is this: She knew they were working endlessly on that database and that they were about to pay to get it fixed, yet it never occurred to her that they just might need the fucking files? Come on, during this time she still had them. Amy may be many things, but she’s not stupid.
One final detail of interest: Why did Amy not release ownership of MJHD? She claimed that was her intent, but that she had to wait 60 days before go-daddy would allow her to do it. Why would she need to wait for 2 months? Funny, when she sold the website to Badkolo, ownership was released within days. I have my own thoughts on this, but I’ll leave it at that for now.
Note: Email addresses have been censored for obvious reasons.
See The Truth,
All Seeing Eye
Just like the members, the moderators had no idea what was happening at first. All they knew is that MJHD was down. Read the emails that were sent to them and you’ll see that it was Amy herself who crashed the website, purportedly on accident. At this point the members (and some of the moderators) believed that Amy was working with her trusted friend, John. Instead of telling people that she accidently fucked up, she wanted people to believe that John betrayed her and crashed the site on purpose. In one email you’ll read, she did say that they would have to start from scratch, but in subsequent conversations she gave them what she claimed was a working copy of the database. What the moderators didn’t realize at the time was that she didn’t give them the entire database. She kept back over 40 gigs of information, which they didn’t learn about until after many endless days and nights of working on the thing, and one of them finally paying out hundreds of dollars in an attempt to restore the old information.
When the moderators found out about the missing files they asked Amy about it. She claimed that she didn’t realize they needed the files and had erased the information from both her hard-drive and her server “a few days ago.” My question is this: She knew they were working endlessly on that database and that they were about to pay to get it fixed, yet it never occurred to her that they just might need the fucking files? Come on, during this time she still had them. Amy may be many things, but she’s not stupid.
One final detail of interest: Why did Amy not release ownership of MJHD? She claimed that was her intent, but that she had to wait 60 days before go-daddy would allow her to do it. Why would she need to wait for 2 months? Funny, when she sold the website to Badkolo, ownership was released within days. I have my own thoughts on this, but I’ll leave it at that for now.
Note: Email addresses have been censored for obvious reasons.
See The Truth,
All Seeing Eye
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Truth or Lies...You Decide
I am told this was the last chat silverwolf had with Amy. I feel this chat is one of the most important things I've read regarding the entire mjhd saga. Both sides of the story are presented as they talk, or argue, about what occured. You will also notice, if you choose to see, that a few "facts" given by the bulldog are bullshit. Was something strange going on? You have to decide for youselves.

Here are the Chats
I’ve been busy, but here are the chats. To refresh your memory, look back at the last email I posted. You will see that Amy clearly stated that the money stealing issue would be fixed if the moderators could click on the TIAI link and it didn’t redirect back to MJHD. Keep that in mind as you read the chats between her and SilverWolf. Read carefully because there are other inconsistencies, which I find to be very revealing.
Sometimes the reality of a situation is not necessarily what you want to accept as true.
See the Truth:
Sometimes the reality of a situation is not necessarily what you want to accept as true.
See the Truth:
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The begining of the end: MJHD On It's Way To Being Closed
People want to know what happened to mjhd. In a wierd way, they need closure. Maybe it was just a forum, but it meant a lot to many members, and they deserve to know the truth. Since PitBull, our little Dobie, and The Cat seem to be addressing Conspiracy's lies right now, I will take some time to focus on what really happened to MJHD.
By the time you read the information in these emails, you will have some idea why Amy wanted to shut MJHD down, and why the moderators were so willing to go along with the John deception. And don't hand me that "oh my god they lied" bullshit that the fucking mutt preaches. Get it through your heads: they lied to PROTECT mjhd and the privacy of the admin. They wanted the website to stay going, and I think if nothing else, these emails prove that.
Amy stated in an email that she was thinking about closing the site. According to my informant, these emails lead up to the chat where John was created. Sadly, I do not have screenshots of that chat. The other things they show, or at very least insinuate, will be addressed when I post a few chats for you to think about. These chats go along with the emails, but more on that tomorrow.
At the request of my informant, I blacked out the contacts the person had in their email list, as well as their name. They wish to remain anonymous. I can't say I blame them.
See The Truth,
All Seeing Eye
By the time you read the information in these emails, you will have some idea why Amy wanted to shut MJHD down, and why the moderators were so willing to go along with the John deception. And don't hand me that "oh my god they lied" bullshit that the fucking mutt preaches. Get it through your heads: they lied to PROTECT mjhd and the privacy of the admin. They wanted the website to stay going, and I think if nothing else, these emails prove that.
Amy stated in an email that she was thinking about closing the site. According to my informant, these emails lead up to the chat where John was created. Sadly, I do not have screenshots of that chat. The other things they show, or at very least insinuate, will be addressed when I post a few chats for you to think about. These chats go along with the emails, but more on that tomorrow.
At the request of my informant, I blacked out the contacts the person had in their email list, as well as their name. They wish to remain anonymous. I can't say I blame them.
See The Truth,
All Seeing Eye
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